

How to LUA for Javascript programmers

Featuring Guest Writer Dot32

Unlisted Post

This post is written by skybird23333 under the name of Dot32 (Consensual)

This post may contain swear words(!!) which are offensive(!!!!)

ayo what up, its ya boi dot32, today im featured as a guest writer on and imma teach yall dumb fucks how to use lua, especially if you use js or sum


tables are a inbred cluster of fuck of arrays and objects, they can be either an array or an object, whichever the fuck you want

foo = {}
foo["key"] = "value"

bar = {1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81}
bar[1] = 3


there are no classes in lua because fuck you

you can only use objects with methods(which probably is what fucking classes are in js anyway)